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  • Writer's pictureMathura

Gone bad?! NO!

Triggered on December 2, 2013 at 10:56 PM - I could have gone bad. Could have grown up being a bully, becoming a tomboy. Could have been addicted to alcohol, albeit secretly. Could have ended my life years back because of the sick emotional roller-coaster ride. Could have become a pessimist with all the negative people I would have let to surround me.

Yet, I passed all that, excelled academically and am currently pursuing my degree, all thanks to the superwoman, the leader of the pack, my mother.

Though my doting father taught me how to literally walk the talk of a princess, mum taught me how to be a lady, a proper one, and the lessons are ongoing. She wants me to be independent just like herself. She sends me for driving lessons, but never wants me to drive because the highways are dangerous. She shoves her recipe books at my face and tells me how to make traditional Indian food, but never lets me near the kitchen because sparks of hot oil might burn my entire body. Silly, but can you feel the love?

Every time my brother and I made a mistake, typically, she would stop us and that was it. No reasons, no explanation. "Cause I'm your mother and I say so!" That was her frequent line. Growing up I came to realize that that would be the exact line I would use on my children, and it cracked me up. She let us make mistakes, scolds us, and lets it pass, though she often brings it up just to hint that we're about to make the same mistake. That's how we learnt things.

Obediently, we would listen to her 'blackmails', after some 'tender' whacking with a traditional 'rotan'. Now, I know what you guys are thinking, but she's no cruel being, we were 'The Rebels', at least I was, still am. The whacking ceased soon after I turned 12 and scored straight A's. I scored not out of fear, I did it because of a dare from my fellow relatives and I couldn't bear the look on my mother's face if I didn't make it.

It was determination that has taken me this far and the happiness on mum's face is just priceless.

She doesn't ask for much, just flawless education because she knows her children are NOT dumb. Parents' believe, and the aura sometimes just reaches you and you too, believe you can.

She never failed to remind us of the importance of education and she never failed to remind us the power it would give us. She's not the kind of parent that forces their dreams onto their children. "Be a doctor!" "An engineer so you can earn millions!" And the poor child goes on to crack their head on something they'll never understand. It's like asking a fish to climb a tree.

Never heard those words from mum. All she ever said were words of advice and encouragement. She lets us study what we want to, she knows our strengths and weaknesses. Not to say parents who are persistent on pushing their children to the limits are bad, some dreams do come true. My point is, I'm glad my mum is not like that, and I know my brother and I are the best to her eyes no matter what.

Though not perfect, here's to the superwoman that deserves a lifetime award on raising her children despite hardship on her own unique way and not a single day did she depend on anyone else. We are ever grateful to have you ma. Don't worry, we'll be around to annoy you for a century!!!


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