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  • Writer's pictureMathura

A Big Baby!

Sarcasm is the root of all healing - Mathura, 9 May 2019

One day, Betty wanted to bake a cake. She bought some cheap butter to bake it. But something was wrong with the butter. The butter was bitter. I think you know where this is going.

So, Betty bought a better butter to make the bitter butter better and the cake came out great!

Betty adopted the best way to solve the problem because there will always be problems but there are also, solutions to the problems.

One day, two years ago, I was screaming and throwing things around in my room, Ammi coolly walked in...

“What happened? Usually other people scream in frustration because of you...”

“HA.HA. Not funny Ma. I have a big problem! Look at my face!”

She raised an eyebrow.

“No, I mean this pimple! It wasn’t here when I woke up this morning! I’m going out in an hour! Aaarrrggghhh!”

Ammi grabbed the aloe gel, sat me down on the bed and she looked at me, her expression unreadable, I looked at the soothing gel and the clock. Then she started… telling me a story.

My mother told me she only had two big problems in her lifetime.

One was 30 years ago, the long distance relationship with my dad was challenging. Eventually, they managed to cross that bridge when they came to it and they got married. The problem was solved. Her second biggest problem happened 25 years ago, she was at the verge of having her surprise second child. Scoring with a handsome little boy the first time round, she was confident she would have another boy.

Her parents and in-laws predicted she would have a boy. The priest predicted she would have a boy. Even the cows predicted she would have a boy. Like any parent, she just prayed for a safe delivery... and for a boy.

Now, I only have one elder brother. So, what happened to this second baby boy? Did she give it away? Did it die?? An abortion because she could not afford another baby? Was THAT the problem? Did drastic times call for drastic measures??

She said she was rushed to the hospital and she gave birth to ME. Phewww.

Wait. Did she mean then, that I’m the problem?

Before I could ask her anything, she smudged the aloe gel on my pimple and walked away.

The lesson of the story today is, different people have different problems. Small problems may seem big, big problems may seem bigger (Like me, whom ammi learned to live with apparently *dramatic sigh)

We just need to develop the maturity to outgrow problems. Problems may make life seem a little bitter but don't be a big baby and give up on life altogether... because there’s always a solution to every problem just like an aloe gel for a pimple!


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