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  • Writer's pictureMathura

A Reversed Market

“One who appreciates the calm, will know when to leave before the chaos” - Me

At a Mindfulness session, we were asked to reflect on our empathetic and sympathetic behaviours for the people around us.

I have a deviating mind so I first thought about what I’ll be having for lunch a little later, having only had breakfast just less than 2 hours before. I then thought of the society as a whole, the older generation that is going to wither away sooner or later … and the younger generation, me, also withering away in hunger at the moment.

I read somewhere that summarised the following:

In your 20s - You have the time and energy, but no money

In your 30s - You have the money and energy, but no time

In your 40s and above - You finally have the time and money to do what you wanted to do in your 20s, but now lack the energy… you end up joining pilgrimage-type tours and fall for scams because you have money to lose (Am I going overboard here? Nahhh…)

AAANYWAY. With the current technology, many in their 20s are fast becoming millionaires or have already earned quite a sum to live life the way they hope for. However, a majority of us are still stuck in the rat race, sometimes completely frustrated and feeling ‘lost’ in society, the sudden strike of feeling ’out of place’ even though surrounded by the people we love and care for. Yeap, we’ve all been there.

It was during one of this time, I thought, in the working world, the executives should be receiving the salary of the CEO, a reversed market. Crazy? Hear me out. Given that our 20s is the time we ponder on our existence (like do we eat to live or live to eat? We definitely live to eat right?), we also need to learn to be the jack of all trades, identify areas of improvement and spend time seeking out our passion and life purpose.

Many of us can hardly afford living on our own when we first start out, and we burden our parents by eating off their grocery, living rent free without a bill to worry about while our old, retiring parents continue to pay for these things.

Being an executive with the salary of a CEO will give us absolutely no reason to be living with our parents or have them pay off our student loans. We can rent on our own, pay for our own groceries and bills, insurance, car loan and even have a head start to retirement.

However, when we get ‘promoted’ within a couple of years, our salaries DECREASE by a certain percentage depending on our performance. The worse our performance, the higher the ‘pay cut’ when we become a senior executive or a junior manager. The better we are at your job, we get to hold our CEO salary executive position for a couple more years.

This way, if we’re smart enough, we would live minimally for the first few years, while saving a huge chunk of the CEO salary, settling debts while still enjoying pockets of fun throughout our 20s.

With great powers, come great responsibility right? So with maximum effort, this new world system hones discipline, a sense of responsibility and prepares the young generation to live independently, be able to adapt and plan for the future.

Now, as we near retirement, the knowledge and know-hows of the industry we serve increases but our salary decreases to the point of minimum wage according to the national employment act. This may sound scary but we’ve had our fair share of earning the CEO salary much earlier on, apart from all the ‘senior citizen’ discounts the government provides, we would be able to survive.

Plus, our children would be immersed in the same system and hence we wouldn’t need to be worried about settling their asses in, although I might have to save a little extra to get mine out of jail. WHOOP!

Let it sink.

That’s all for today folks! Till next time!


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