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  • Writer's pictureMathura

I refuse to believe...

The "Owh Shit" moment on August 24, 2013 at 1:54 AM - "You'll be amazed n proud to see your daughter still standing, still surviving, with all the things you never thought or wished to hit her. That's who she is....your daughter.

"I refuse to believe. I refuse to believe that I'm meant to do ordinary things, let alone marry an ordinary person", was what I told my mother the other day.

I used to imagine wearing a wedding gown fit for a queen even though I'm Indian. I can't imagine how my mother would react seeing me in a gown and not in a traditional saree, chained heavily in gold and garlands as heavy as rocks around my neck on my wedding... I got a 3 day 'lecture' for pointing that out.

I came back home for my semester break that was for about 2 weeks, wanting to catch up on some peaceful reading and on my beauty sleep that I've been deprived of for weeks due to my final examinations. However, I could not keep still without picking a fight with my mother. A fight that long ago would have been an endless argument until the 'silent treatment' would creep up between us has turned to a necessary fight-for-fun.

It's weird to say that I enjoy arguing with my mom and it's only because how baseless our arguments always are. For example, she insists I should not wear anything in black because it's bad luck and I'll ask if I should dye my hair purple. "Royal enough? Ugh".

Also, she would want me to get her a cooking book just because the PICTURES in it are interesting (in which I still got her) but would not do the recipes because she would need butter from Australia and cheese from New Zealand.

When I asked her why I can't have a boyfriend now that I'm 21, she says it is because I've not graduated. She has used this excuse since I was 14 , that I needed to pass my PMR, my SPM when I was 17, my foundation when I was 18 and now my degree. I, on the other hand, merely see a relationship as a necessity for emotional balance and it has nothing to do with education. So, you can see that there is a never ending World War 3 between us.

So one day, I told her that I'm in a relationship with an actor from Singapore that I met on Facebook!

I showed her photos of my handsome 'boyfriend' that I google saved before coming back home for the semester break. I even set it as my laptop wallpaper to make it seem real and 'devoted'. Yeap, the extent I would go to make my mom's blood boil is endless. I told her I can't stand marrying a normal man (whatever that means). I told her I despise doctors, lawyers, and ordinary working males. I told her that they're too mainstream. Of course I was just jesting! I respect all hard working gentlemen!

However, to my surprise, she giggled and was quite excited as I told her his occupation, interests, and that we've been dating! She didn't even mind that the age gap between us was of 10 years! She was happy that my 'boyfriend' was quite good looking and thanked the lord that her grandchildren would be great by-products. She even challenged me if my so-called boyfriend had the nerve to come meet her.

The day after, she kept pestering me if I was telling the truth, and as I needed rest and some peaceful sleep, I told her the truth and I got another 3-day 'lecture' for deceiving the mighty queen of the house.

She told me she KNEW I was lying all along and no actor would want to marry an OVER DRAMATIC ACTRESS like me...

Yes, sarcasm and drama runs in the family. It's a genetic thing, really. I'm always excited to be home. Happy Mother's day ma, though I'm a tad bit late. I lost my calendar.


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