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  • Writer's pictureMathura

Runaway Bride...

Triggered on Sunday, September 17, 2017 - Yes, my title is of the movie. Watched it today. What has it got to do with what I’m about to type? Not sure.

I’ve been recently plagued by friends and family on when am I going to get married. Aah yes, that musical question. My answer? Maybe in 5 years, maybe in exactly 1,709 days in Greece.

I roll my eyes every time behind my ‘resting queen face’ and smile whenever someone asks me that, like HAVE YOU NO OTHER GOALS IN LIFE?

You’ll never know when love hits you, when you'll find someone with the same wavelength who can inspire, motivate and protect you be it from physical force or mental whispers. However , you are responsible for your own thoughts and actions. Can’t really go back to all the aunties, uncles and even your parents and blame them for the lack of love or care that you think you're supposed to receive from your better half.

There’s no one in this world who can make you do what you do not want to do. It’s all you.

It happens when it happens.

However, the pressure is unavoidable. I knew it was going to come my way and I thought it’ll be fine with an answer like “Not anytime soon”. Who knew the question is actually such a pain to my lovely der-rie-re, especially when a 13 year old asks you that, what kind of knowledge are we passing down to our future generation! I must address this at once!

1. My mum Someone easier to mould now, with a slightly open mind. I’m proud that I have come this far to show mum that there is another world out there other than marriage, husband and children... like travelling and all the food we haven't yet tasted. God created Earth and any country, state, street, home we live in is just a teeny little dot on the map and here we are thinking there’s all to it. You get what I mean??

2. Family

Now, which one of you is it? Either marriage ruined your life because you can’t make round 'chapathis' and it’s a living hell so you want to see another person’s life ruined quickly or you really see the love and joy in marriage and are eager to have me experience it. Can’t decide. Or maybe I can.

3. Friends Well, my close friends are smart enough not to ask me this question because we the cool cats. We have dreams and are fast reaching them. Sure we like men, but please we don’t idealise any until we’re pretty sure. Sure we cry over them, but not for long because our one true love is food and we have each other anyways. Wish for happiness instead for your fellow friends and marriage happens when the time is right. Not really a question to answer. To all married and single friends, I wish you happiness!

4. Acquaintances/ Hi bye buddies

I forgive you. Sometimes you just start a conversation and bam! you ask it without meaning to ask it because come on, do you really care if I get married? Want to be god parents to my children? No? Alright, I forgive you. Just ask about doing lunch together and all is forgotten.

5. Men Please don’t ask us to marry you because your mum asked you to get married so you’re looking for a very nice 'kuttu velleke' (homely) girl to marry. Some of us are not homely, we just have that face. (I HAVE THAT FACE). I do not know how to make round 'chapathis'. I go to temple in the morning and to the bar in the evening.

I curse like a lady, composed and almost polite...

I will not respect anyone whether young or old if they do not respect me, yes I will curse your whole family if need be. I also do a lot of fake laughs and sarcasm which might offend your ‘traditional sensibilities’ that you THINK you have, but is actually just your ego.

Point is, we’re strong and we want strong men who knows what he wants and is able to handle what he asked for.

Speak smart, be kind, polite, get your ducks in a row (Now my title would make sense) and don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Especially when you’re only 25.


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